Monday, October 31, 2005

The Three R's,
Reading Writing Arithmetic,
the system is flawed.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

People I went to preschool with. (from memory)

Mike u.

David d.

During our childhood, mike was a little socially inept, but typically did whatever he wanted.

No mike, that’s not an “invention”, and it’s certainly not a machine that could ever help you find your mother. Why don’t you see if she is working out in the garden.

This is where I would have placed some identification or explanation of the machine and/or its intended purpose. Mike opted not to do so, leaving any explanation conspicuously absent until finally he asked if I liked the mom finder he had invented.

On the weekends we broke into the science building of a college which was located on the block directly in between our houses. We stole everything we thought might be useful for the afternoon’s entertainment. Later that day we would find ourselves at the top of a lead painted back staircase in an enclosed room mixing unmarked, intensely colored chemicals at will. Mikes mom would be really pissed most weekends (she was a chemist).

David and I fought about everything.

He was prone to nosebleeds.

We loved to try to dig to china but usually got into brawl before we made it… and we fought dirty.

Once we found clay and made sculptures in his back yard. I molded the likeness of my grandmother from the neck up (I only said it that way because well… bust?).

When we played guns, no one ever died. Severely hurt maybe.

We made spears out of sharpened sticks and threw them at each other until we met the man with the hard hat working on the transformer behind David’s house. He had one eye and he told us exactly how it happened. Amongst other common interests, he and his friend also loved to dig to china.

Upon further inspection the so called “transformer” was just a big metal box that never did anything. Ever.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

I got welcomed to the neighborhood tonight, probably on account of who I was visiting. "We been through thick and thin together"... " He wouldn’t trick for nothing."

"Point this in his face then we'll see."

he only pointed it in my general direction, and it’s a good thing to. I already had to go to the bathroom as it was.

After a few minutes, though, I was trying to find the nicest, least confrontational way to say that I already have a family, but thank you for the offer.

I told him I had to go find my friend who is lost and scared someplace on drugs. He seemed to understand.


Thursday, October 13, 2005

Selected notes from botany... and horticulture.

(the quotes are things that i hear... for real."

"A genius can reproduce with any genius."

"sometimes snakes even hide in plants."

"It is possible to fertilize a mum with a dandelion."

Notes on anecdote to help illustrate how leaves get their tiny burn marks...
horticulturists don’t need to use the word refraction when talking about burning shit with a magnifying glass.

(Was it refraction?)

"Pesticides are very sensitive to fish and birds."

Factors for seed germination: moisture air light and temperature. MALT

"Horticulture hasn't changed since high school."


"Only 2% of those surveyed knew that air was involved in photosynthesis. On that basis, they secured a grant for 1.5 million in order to better explain."

Unicorns help scatter seeds.

"The pollen grains will never fertilize from angiosperms to gymnosperms... never."

"Similar succulent problem."


"The flowering plant of an eggplant will never fertilize the ovule of a tomato.... never"

Avicide: kills birds.

"That is so dermal."


Lets play "I bet you can't find me on myspace". Its really fun, in the end, everyone gets laid except the winner.