Monday, November 28, 2005

another ciard joint.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

its like that time i made obscene gestures with party balloons at a large and wholesome family party. i was seven and i thought that it was hilarious. such a wide range of reactions.

once i called 911 and then unplugged the phone instead of saying anything when they wanted to know about my emergency. also very funny. maybe in preschool at this point... my mom later on had a talk with the dispatcher. i giggled when she asked me about it... for a short time.

once i was practicing my flying leaps into extreme carpet knee slides (across my mothers bedroom floor)... shortly after my mom told me to stop (i ignored her, naturally), i found a nail...

i make bad decisions... i do things in poor taste... usually i cant help it until its to late

Monday, November 14, 2005

enter the winter of discontent.
(requisite ballence for maybe one to many summers of love).
Bad things happen. people die... or live sick... or just go away.

i would like to make a list... but i fear that would be inappropriate to make some of these comparisons.

speaking of which... karmic grace does not apply. if you dont share from that big bag and the creepy little nieghbor kid breaks in and steals it...

Thursday, November 10, 2005


(reverse chronological...descending)


I woke up to a,"we need to talk..." type of phone call. I went downstairs to drive to the grocery store, but instead I decided to just stand and stare at the receptacle of glass and blood that had been my car, just a few hours ago. They used a cinderblock... took everything out of the compartments and left it all bloodied on the seats, glass and plastic everywhere. Stole nothing, not the mini-disc, not the I-pass, not the bank statements, not Peter's raybans, not Oij's head phones, not the skateboards, camp stove, or sleeping bag... nothing (although, they did take most of their cinderblock back). Then it rained for 2 days.


Chris had another show of some media work in a warehouse in Pilsen. He has been awake/ drinking for so long... we commend you Chris. After the show we head back to the CIARD dorms to meet with more interns/specialists. We played games with the suction cup blinky ball and the fan, it's nice to play with lots of people for a change. The cat got played with, fireworks, bouncey balls, slingshot, stickey hands and jason salavan. oij also got a little out of controll.

This weekend

marked the end our time at the g2 temporary headquarters. we missed the closing reception (but not the de-install). Maybe that was foreshadowing.

On Thursday

Chris Reilly did a demo for his CIARD videogame. He blew it up with guns, grenades, and high powered bouncy ball weapons before writing his name in bullet holes where the "paris in spring" painting used to hang.

Last week

Pat got hit on his scooter by someone with no insurance. we lost a large portion of our "practical" transportation as well as all of our strictly silly towing capacity. He got cut up pretty badly, but he'll be ok. The scooter is fucked.

(always accepting donations)

Monday, November 07, 2005

no, really.
we are all people with problems.