Saturday, December 16, 2006

(p)didactidactyl returns to text! i left the old(er) images because they were more about the text than the image in most cases. sorry... maybe i got to fluid for my constructs.


i'm working on a LINGUIMAGE blog and a pure photo blog to catch the overflow.
socio v bio

causal cycles.

the snake fasts until it has reason to eat.
(the partisan imbibes until he has reason to purge)

the grass must grow until there is reason to cut it.
must my hair and beard and every follicle, sprout and stem?

Friday, December 15, 2006

Thursday, December 14, 2006

i can see that you are tasting something different than i am.

or, are you about to laugh/cry?

or, the "lord of the flies vibe" is part of a collective experience. no one in here but us me(s)!

maybe i don't deserve an education... if i only spend all my time mocking photographers at photography school.